Brooke Taylor-Gough
Hypnobirthing Educator, Kinesiologist & Reiki Therapist
0437 572 418
Meet me, I am Brooke. I speak from the heart and totally get lit up like a thousand dancing stars in the brightest of night skies about what I do - supporting you on your pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, birthing and postpartum journey!
My expertise is founded on helping you create your own authentic experience, as a family (or individual) through HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education, Kinesiology, Reiki, Healing Birth Trauma and Australian Bush Flower Essences.
For me, the authentically raw births of my two babes were far from what I ever imagined and more real than I could have ever thought possible. These births were the dawning of a fierce warrior, in my own right.
You are unique, your journey is like no other.
I am here, with fire in my belly, ready to pass nourishment to your exclusively, one-of-a-kind, never seen before, adventure. Get ready to be unapologetically authentic in your pregnancy and birth narrative. I stand here with complete conviction and know there is a positive way to birth and am constantly reminded of this when I hear families say "lets do that again!".
You can find me sharing positive birthing vibes and love in Toowoomba, Queensland.
Homebirth Queensland bears no responsibility for the birthing woman’s choice of Birth Worker or her decision to birth at home. Refer to the HBQ constitution – copies available on request. Women are encouraged to make informed choices and to take responsibility for their birthing decisions. Homebirth IS legal in Queensland, there are however restrictions on those who provide midwifery care for a birthing woman choosing Homebirth. For information regarding this legislation and other information about the registration of midwives please visit